2011-01-12 @ 07:42:56Ja och så kommer det lite oöversatta spoilers då för dem som vill läsa det om VD!
Spoilers from E!:
Gregory: Is it true what your frenemy said about Bonnie and Jeremy kissing on The Vampire Diaries? What more will happen from there?
I’m told that for now, there’s not much more planned beyond the kiss. But yes, the kiss will indeed happen. Who’s happy? And if not, what is wrong with you?! I kid. Not really.
@CAccolaWeb (via Twitter): Previously you said that Matt and Caroline fans shouldn’t give up hope…Is that still the case now?
I see no reason to give up hope now! As far as I know, Matt and Caroline will be in a love triangle with you-know-who (Tyler), but so far no indication on which guy will come out the big winner. What I can tell you is that there will be some smoochery. And sooner rather than later.
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