2011-02-02 @ 09:40:00
[Jason pulls up in his truck]
Jason: Hey, How come you didn’t tell me you beat up the Rattrays last night?
Sookie: I haven’t seen you since then.
Jason: Where’s Gran?
Sookie: Hanging the laundry out back. And you keep your voice down. I don’t want her to know about any of this.
Jason: Fortenberry couldn’t wait till I got to work this morning to tell me all about it.
Sookie: Hoyt Fortenberry?
Jason: Mm-hm.
Sookie: How the heck does he know?
Jason: He went over to the Rats last night to buy some weed. And Denise drove up like she wanted to kill somebody she was so mad. The only way she would sell him any weed was if he would drive Mack to the hospital in Monroe.
Sookie: Uh-huh. Well, did Hoyt tell you that Mack came after me with a knife?
Jason: Motherfucker. You want me to kick his ass?
Sookie: I already took care of that, thank you.
Picquotesource Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) och Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten)