Jag suckde när han drog upp mamma. Jag hatade henne och brydde mig inte alls om henne någonting. Om hon hellre ville knulla runt med någon pojkvän, något som hon var bra på så fick hon göra det. Jag ville inte ha henne här på sjukhuset och inte alls i mitt eller Matts liv det var jag i alla fall helt säker på.
"Hoppas hon inte kommer", muttrade jag tungt. Sen så såg hur han iksom kom fram till mig öfr att omfamna mig. Plötsligt såg jag allt framför mig. Det var mörkt. Mannen kom närmre mig han skrattade och log sitt sneda leende. Sen så la han armarna om mig och tryckte upp mig mot ett träd och högg mig. Jag började att skrika av rädsla och försökte putta bort mannen. Utan att något hände.


Michael Ausiello has some new tidbits for those interested in spoilers about Season 4 of True Blood. Read more after the cut.



Question: How about some Human Target, Vampire Diaries, or True Blood scoop? —Hayley
Ausiello: Eeny, meeny, miny… True Blood! Remember last season’s legendary head-turning sex scene between Lorena and Bill? Well, the word around Bon Temps is that there’s a sequence in the upcoming fourth season that will have folks buzzing just as (if not more) loudly. The character at the center of said scene? One Jason Stackhouse.


Question: How will Alcide and Sookie’s relationship evolve this season — if at all? Will Alcide begin to develop real romantic feelings for her? —Adam
Ausiello: “I think Alcide has already developed real feelings for her,” responds exec producer Alan Ball. “But there are certainly obstacles to overcome for both of them.”

Text source


2011-01-12 @ 18:09:36 Permalink True Blood, Tv Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


STOR SPOILER! Därför översätter jag som vanligt inte texten!

How is Season 4 going for True Blood?
WOOD: Of course, I can’t tell you anything that happens.

What will this season be like, in general?
WOOD: Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve only done one episode, so I have no idea. But, they always outdo themselves, every year.

What’s it like to be back on the set?
WOOD: It’s been great. It’s one of the funnest sets I’ve ever worked on, actually. There’s just always something crazy happening, and lots of blood.

How tortured will Queen Sophie-Anne be this season?
WOOD: Oh, I think she’ll get what she deserves.

How many episodes will you be doing?
WOOD: I can’t say.

Who have your scenes been with so far?
So far, Stephen Moyer. We have to finish our big fight.

Viewers will see a resolution to that then?
WOOD: Of course, there will be a resolution. You just have to wait and see what happens. But, it will be epic.

Have you had any scenes with any of the new female cast members?
WOOD: Not yet, no.

How do you define Sophie-Anne’s sexuality?
Vampires, in general, are both. I don’t think there is a preference for them. But, I think she’s made her choice. I’d say she’s a lesbian.

Do you think she’ll ever pursue a relationship with Sookie?
I hope so. Come on, it’s gotta happen!

Do you have any well wishes for Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, with this being their first season back as a married couple?
WOOD: I wish them nothing but the best. They make me sick, how in love they are with each other. They’re such an amazing couple, honestly. I’m just envious of them both. They’re great people.

What do you think it is about the allure of vampires that makes them so popular?
“WOOD: It’s always been around. There is something seductive about it. It’s living forever. There is this sexiness and this romance to that, I guess. And, there’s the goriness of it. It’s beautiful gore. It’s not a bloody zombie. It’s a very attractive, forever young, seductive person that might eat you.

Is it fun to play evil?
WOOD: It’s so much fun! The villains are always more fun to play, absolutely.

What is your attraction to playing bad girls?
WOOD: I don’t necessarily consider them bad. I think they’re just human. They just explore things and do things that most people think about, but don’t really talk about and don’t really do. They’re just honest, really. Nobody is good or bad. You only live once.

How does your True Blood role compare to your role in Mildred Pierce, in degree of difficulty?
WOOD: True Blood is just a blast. It’s fun, it’s scary, it’s sexy, it’s hilarious. Mildred Pierce was slightly more dramatic and demanding, I have to say.

How has your life changed since True Blood?
WOOD: Good lord, the fans of True Blood are so dedicated and intense. It’s crazy. I get stopped on the street constantly now. People call me The Queen, which I don’t mind at all. That’s how people address me. It’s nice. Not a bad gig.

What vibe are you getting from the new season of “True Blood”?
WOOD: I honestly don’t know what they are doing. But I know it is always going to be out of control.

There are more vampire shows now than ever. Why is that?
WOOD:There is something seductive about it. It is living forever. There is this sexiness and this romance to that, I guess. And the goriness of it. It is like beautiful gore. It is not like a bloody zombie. It is a very attractive, forever young, seductive person – that might eat you!




Text & pic source Evan Rachel Wood (Sophie-Anne Leclerq)
2011-01-10 @ 07:52:58 Permalink True Blood, Tv Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Ja, läs det på er egen risk. Jag har inte översatt eller gjort något för att jag inte vill veta!



312 49A 600x330 Bill vs. Sophie Anne: Smackdown!

In Episode 12 of Season 3, the last we saw of Bill Compton was when he had vowed to Queen Sophie-Anne that only one of them would leave his house that night. We saw them both jump at each other through the air when the scene ended. After the cut is a spoiler provided by Evan Rachel Wood on the fight, as well as, some really interesting speculation on the topic by Billsbabe, Natalie, aka Aphrodite.


According to Evan Rachel Wood, as told to Access Hollywood, the scene will resume in Season 4 when we’ll finally get to see the actual fight.

Evan Rachel Wood said “True Blood” fans can expect an “epic” fight between her character, Queen Sophie-Anne of Louisiana, and Stephen Moyer’s Bill Compton, when the show returns this summer.

Of course there will be a resolution. And we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, but it will be epic,” she said of the fight scene between the two vampires, when asked by reporters following her 2011 Winter TCA panel for her HBO miniseries “Mildred Pierce.”

read the rest at Access Hollywood


Speculations have been rampant among the fans about this topic since the season ended, and below is a great contribution written by Billsbabe, Natalie, aka, Aphrodite, who has her own True Blood site  She gives us several good examples of what might happen in her offering below:

Bill vs. Sophie-Anne: Smackdown!

Season three left viewers with a number of nail-biting cliffhangers for us to ponder over during the long hiatus until season four. One in particular has been the subject of fans’ speculation…

Fellow fangbangers, in the blue corner we have courteous-yet-lethal Civil War veteran vampire Bill Compton, and in the red corner his deranged, self-infatuated boss Queen Sophie-Anne of Louisiana. It’s set to be the ultimate fang-off, with the fate of vampire-crack telepath Sookie Stackhouse hinging on its outcome.

A number of theories have arisen on fan sites and forums, addressing exactly how Bill might survive this potentially suicidal confrontation, given that Sophie-Anne is more than twice his age and strength. But Bill has his devotion to Sookie on his side, it’s time Sophie-Anne had her comeuppance, and there’s no way he isn’t walking away from this somehow.

So it’s time to place your bets… which of our fighters will emerge victorious in the epic fang-busting bout that could well kick-off season four? Here are the main contenders for the outcome:

1. Bill has actually been working for the American Vampire League all along. Nan Flanagan has been paying him to infiltrate Sophie-Anne’s entourage and report on her reckless behaviour. Right at the critical moment, when it looks like Bill’s number’s up, Nan will arrive with her posse of vampire stormtroopers to arrest Sophie-Anne for V-dealing and tax evasion. Think about it, would Bill, who seeks to distance himself from the cruelties committed by so many of his kind, really remain employed by Sophie-Anne as a procurer of humans for her to murder, for several decades, unless he had his own agenda?

2. Season three’s finale showed Maxine Fortenberry buying a big-ass gun and vampire-exploding wooden bullets, presumably intended for her unwanted future daughter-in-law, the lovely Jessica. Now where would Maxine head first to try to take out the undead minx who de-flowered her precious Hoyt? Why, the Compton house of course! Maxine will show up amid the bloody carnage, and in the confusion will shoot Sophie-Anne, mistaking her for fellow redheaded siren Jessica. This will leave Bill with the dilemma of how to deal with a middle-aged woman intent on killing his progeny.

3. While Sookie is partying hard in fairyland, the subject of Bill inevitably comes up in conversation with the locals. It’s likely that the fairies will be curious as to how he became the first vampire to miraculously travel Narnia-style into the ethereal parallel world. They’ll teleport Bill to their domain for questioning, and Sophie-Anne will see him vanish before her very eyes. This scenario would see her survive, and thus the future could witness a bitter re-match.

But hey, let’s not forget that this is True Blood, the wildest, most unpredictable show on TV. The writers will probably blow our V-fried minds with some sublime lunacy that not even a telepathic waitress would see coming. Brace yourselves for a long, hard withdrawal before we get our True Blood fix again in June, when the fate of Bon Temps’ resident prizefighter, Bill Compton, will be revealed.

Text source

2011-01-08 @ 09:50:23 Permalink True Blood, Tv Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Pic source Jessica Hamby och Bill Compton i True Blood

Du kanske också undrar hur du kan se på True Blood. I USA är man redan inne på den tredje säsongen, och har du sett första och andra säsongen och inte kan vänta med tredje tills den kommer ut här i Sverige, klicka då här, du kan ju också passa på att se på de två föregående säsongerna.
Men om du har tålamod att vänta tills den kommer ut i Sverige med text så får du vänta tills efter jul. Dem drar igång dem våren 2011. Jag kommer kommer med ett mer exakt datum när.
2010-12-18 @ 13:47:43 Permalink True Blood, Tv Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

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